Journalist of the Year
Our Journalist of the Year is an individual who has made a lasting impression with a series of reports on TV, radio, print and online. He or she is also an individual whose talent and drive has helped to inspire others within the media industry. He or she is someone who has made a valued contribution with a series of exclusive reports locally, nationally or internationally.
Work must have been aired, published or posted in Britain between May 1 2024 and August 20 2025.
NOTE: Applicants can submit up to 8 pieces of work.
Best Investigation
This award recognises an individual who has helped to highlight an important issue with an exclusive piece of work on TV, radio, print and online. It aims to reward an investigation, which has had a profound impact for the public good.
Work must have been aired, published or posted in Britain between May 1 2024 and August 20 2025.
The award is open to investigations across the world but must have been produced by a British based media organisation or production company.
Regional Journalist of the Year
This award is in recognition of the work of an individual working in TV, radio, print and online at a regional or local level. He or she is someone who has produced consistent and varied work at a regional level.
Work must have been aired or published in Britain between May 1 2024 and August 20 2025.
NOTE: Applicants can submit no more than eight pieces of work.
Outstanding Young Journalist
The Young Journalist Award recognises a person who has made valuable breakthrough into the media with a series of reports on TV, radio, print and online.
Work must have been aired, published or posted in Britain between May 1 2024 and August 20 2025.
Applicants can submit up to eight pieces of work. Applicants must submit an up to date CV.
NOTE: Finalists must be aged 25 or under (as of August 20 2024).
Sports Journalist of the Year
An award which recognises the work of Sports Journalists and presenters in the UK. It honours an individual who has made a lasting impression with a series of reports and updates on TV, radio, print and online. He or she is someone who has made a valued contribution with a series of reports locally, nationally or internationally. Award is open to presenters, hosts, sports reporters and bloggers
Work must have been carried out or aired between May 1 2024 and August 20 2025.
NOTE: Applicants can submit no more than ten pieces of work
Report of the Year
This recognises the best local news/special feature report/radio report affecting the Asian community. This is a team award and nominations can be submitted on behalf of the producer, writer, editor and presenter.
Work must have been carried out or aired between May 1 2024 and August 20 2025.
NOTE: Work must have been carried out and produced in the UK. Work can be aired within the UK on TV/digital channel/online/social media channel.
Radio Station of the Year
This award is for a radio station that has maintained a high level of standard over a sustained period of time. It will reward those radio stations that have gained a valued listenership through quality programming and promotional ventures during the year.
The radio station can be internet based but must be produced and transmitted from a UK base.
Regional Radio Station of the Year
Local radio stations including those reaching listeners on the internet remain a valuable service to their communities. The award will be presented to a radio station that has, as well as maintaining a high level of programming, helped to involve itself in community and charity ventures.
The radio station can be Internet based but must be produced and transmitted from a UK base.
Best Radio Show
This award recognises a radio show and programme that continues to sustain creative high standards.
The radio show can be internet based but must be produced and transmitted from a UK base.
Work must have been aired or published in Britain between May 1 2024 and August 20 2025.
Radio Presenter of the Year
This award acknowledges a radio presenter who has helped to sustain high standards over a period of time both in creativity and innovation.
The radio station can be internet based but must be produced and transmitted from a UK base.
Work must have been aired or published in Britain between May 1 2024 and August 20 2025.
Best TV Character
This award recognises the best and most original TV fictional character on a mainstream UK channel.
Work must have been carried between March 1 2024 and August 22 2025.
Best Programme / Show
This award recognises the best programme or show aired on TV/digital channel/online/social media channel.
The show must have been aired or produced between March 1 2024 and August 22 2025. The TV show must have been produced in the UK.
TV Channel of the Year
This award recognises an Asian TV channel aired in the UK which has helped to transmit quality content over a sustained period of time.
The TV channel may be foreign based but must transmit to a UK audience.
Best Blog / Website
Honouring the best publications/websites/blog for their original content, style and design in print and online media. This award also rewards the best columns, opinions, reviews and commentary for their originality, humour and creativity.
The newspaper/magazine/website/blog must be UK based and produced in the UK.
The award is open to writers, beauty and fashion/lifestyle bloggers and public relations professionals.
Best Podcast
This award celebrates the most original and creative podcast. The award aims to recognise work for its content, production standards and presentation.
Work must be UK based but may have been produced internationally.
Best Video Channel
This award celebrates the most original and creative video content on a video sharing channel, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter & Instagram.
It aims to recognise work for its originality, creativity, likes, shares, and subscribers.
Work need not be based in the UK and may have been produced internationally.
Media Agency of the Year
This award will be presented to an agency that has delivered the most creative and innovative work for its clients targeting an Asian audience.
Work must have been carried out and produced in the UK.
Work must have been produced between May 1 2024 and August 20 2025.
Creative Media Award
This award aims to highlight the creative use of digital or other media in a campaign to promote a product, brand or service. This includes best use of social media to promote a product, brand or service.
Work must have been produced between May 1 2024 and August 20 2025.
Best Stage Production
This award recognises the most creative and entertaining stage and theatre productions of the year. The stage production must have taken place between May 1 2023 and August 22 2024. The production must have been marketed to UK audience.
Outstanding Stage Performance
The award recognises an individual for their performance on stage in a drama, musical or live production.
Stage or live production must have taken place between May 1 2024 and August 22 2025. The production must have been marketed to UK audience.
Best Live Event
Some of the most innovative events in the past year have looked to target audiences across the UK. This award recognises the most successful and creative concerts, exhibitions and festivals of the year.
The event must have taken place between May 1 2024 and August 22 2025.
The event can be a concert, exhibition, and festival. It may consist of music, fashion, drama and dance. The event must have been marketed to a UK audience.
Best Newcomer
The Best Newcomer award recognises an individual who has made an impression on television, radio, theatre, journalism or online within a short space of time.
The award aims to showcase the work of producers, actors, writers, presenters and vloggers.
Media Personality of the Year
The Media Personality of the Year award aims to recognise an individual who has made a valued contribution in the media over a sustained period of time.
It aims to reward an individual who has made a significant contribution to the media in the UK.
Diversity In Media Award
Made to an individual, organisation and brand which has made concerted and genuine effort to improve representation and produce diverse content at all levels.
The award recognises the attempts to improve diversity at leadership and management levels; produce content and performances which are catered towards diverse audiences; Or make genuine efforts to train staff through specific scholarships or training towards all under-represented groups.
This award is not date sensitive.
The Sophiya Haque Services to Television, Film & Theatre Award
This award recognises an individual whose talent, drive and creativity has been an inspiration to others in British television, film and theatre.
Outstanding Contribution to Media Award
The award recognises the commitment and determination of an individual who has helped to shape the media within the UK.
It rewards the contribution of a special individual who is held within high regard by his or her contemporaries and whose work has made a lasting impression within the media landscape.